Running The Race

Picture for a second a runner running in a race carrying a few packages and stumbling along because his shoelaces are wrapped around his ankles. Now imagine that this runner is complaining all the way through the race about how difficult and complicated it is to be a runner. What would you tell that runner? You would probably look at him and say, “Are you crazy? There’s nothing difficult or complicated about the race, you just have to get rid of those packages and untangle your ankles”. In the Bible, our Christian lives are compared to a runner who while running in a race with excess weight and with his legs entangled is complaining about how difficult it is to run the race. In other words complaining about how difficult it is to be a Christian and to trust God.

Hebrew 12:1 NIV

Let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.

As Christians there will be times when we look at the race and complain about how difficult and complicated it is to trust God. When these times come we immediately think that our problem is a lack of faith when in reality our problem is one of excess weight and a bunch of things that have tied us up and cause us to stumble. So instead of complaining about how difficult it is to trust God we should do two simple things. First, identify and get rid of the things that overweigh us. Second, we should identify and get rid of the sins that entangle us and cause us to stumble.

Things That Overweigh Us
Fears and Envies

· The “I’m missing out on something” fears.
· The “what if “ fears.
· The “I want” envy.
· The “I disserve” envy.

The Thing That Entangle Us

· The things I know I should stop doing.
· The things I know I should start doing.

As a Christian running the race may not be easy but it sure is SIMPLE.

Heavenly Father, I’m tired of running this race with so much unnecessary weight and hindrances. Help me to identify my secret sins and fears and to cast them out of my life. May your Holy Spirit give me the strength to persevere and finish this race.