The Implanted Word



Friday, October 05, 2018


My niece’s husband Niko had been diagnosed with cancer; the only medical hope for survival was for the doctors to perform a bone marrow transplant. After numerous failed attempts to find a matching donor through the national registry, the doctor recommended an experimental procedure instead. The procedure would require the extraction of stem cells from two umbilical cords, one from Spain and the other from France. Following approximately forty days of prep and chemotherapy, the doctors performed the thirty-minute procedure and transferred the stem cells into Niko’s bloodstream. Following this procedure the waiting game began. It was now a matter of waiting to see if Niko’s body would accept or reject the transplant.


Therefore lay aside all filthiness and overflow of wickedness, and receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your souls. But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. James 1:21-22 NKJ


Just like Niko, we also need a transplant. The only difference is that our illness is not physical in nature; our illness resides in our souls. This is the place where our painful and hurtful emotions live. God however, in His amazing grace, has implanted portions of His word into the lives of those who call themselves Christians. It is up to us however, to determine if we are going to receive God’s implanted word and allow it to achieve its full effect.


Nearly two years have gone by since Niko had his bone marrow transplant. The doctors say the first nine months are crucial and although it will take five years to determine if Niko’s body fully accepted the transplant, the odds are heavily in his favor. Simply stated, the transplant saved his life.


It is up to us to decide if we want to fully receive and apply God’s implanted word in us so that it can have it’s full effect on us; so that it can save our souls. I am completely certain that if you receive His implanted word, the odds will be one hundred percent in your favor that God will save your soul.