Talents and Abilities

Each one of us has received a talent and an ability. They are gifts from God. For example, there are people born with mathematical talents and abilities, some have artistic talents and abilities, and others have technological talents and abilities. All of them come from God and are noticeable even in the smallest of children, because God has programed each one of us with diverse talents and abilities.

When it comes to our talents and abilities our tendency is to think that God gave them to us for our own benefit, when in reality they have been given to us so that we could benefit others.

One of my favorite TV programs is American Idol, a program with young people full of talent that want to use their talent to be come rich and famous. But few really consider using their talent for the purpose that God gave them for, to benefit others. The same thing happens to most of us although on a smaller scale. God his given us talents and abilities and we have chosen to use them for our own benefit, for our own little kingdoms and for our own glory.

God wants us to become a physical and tangible demonstration of his love towards others. For this reason he has given each one of us different talents and different abilities in order to do so. But the sad reality is that many Christians and even many Christian leaders have developed and used their God given talents and abilities to benefit themselves rather then benefiting others.

1 Peter 4:10-11 NIV

Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen.

No one in my life is a better example of how we should use our talents and abilities than my father. Before he met Jesus he would use his artistic talents for personal benefit and personal glory, but the more his career grew, the more he became famous and financially successful the less fulfilled he was. That’s because God never gave them to my father for his glory but rather to bring glory to Himself (God) through them, by using them in such a way that benefited others. But one day he met Jesus and decided to use all of his talents, even all of his life to benefit others. And for forty years that is what he has done and now he would tell you that he is truly a successful man. Not all of us will have artistic talents, not all of us will reach millions of people. But we have all been given a talent and an ability and we should always look for ways to use them to benefit others.

It’s simple, our talents and abilities are gifts from God that should be used for the benefit of others and in this way bring all the glory to God.

Heavenly Father, help me to use my talents and abilities whether big or small to benefit others. Even though they have served me well in my life, help me to use them to serve you well and to bring you glory as I use them in service to others.