Developing Trust

Imagine for a moment what it would look like to completely trust God no matter what is happening in your life. Imagine trusting God even when seemingly bad things were happening in your life. Imagine trusting that God is involved and working in every single area of your life. Imagine truly believing that (Romans 8:28) ALL THINGS for the good of those who love him.

What would you worry about? Who would you fear? How would you respond in those seemingly bad times? How would you respond in the good times? Imagine trusting God so much that you actually believed that God is not only in control of every area of your life, but that He’s also using each and every situation for your well-being. This is the Kind of faith that God wants all of us to have. Total confidence that He is in control and using everything for our well-being.

You ask: How do I develop that kind of faith? Well, thanks for asking. It may be difficult but it sure is simple.

Psalms 37: 3, 4, 5, & 7

3. Trust in the Lord and do good.

Nothing will develop your trust in God more then your actions. God never needs your help, God doesn’t even need your cooperation, but trust in God is always demonstrated through your actions. Sometimes it can be quite difficult to know what the right thing to do is, so I’ll leave you with a question that will help you determine what the right course of action is: What would a person in my circumstances do if they were completely sure that God was with them?

4. Take delight in the Lord.

Once you have embarked on the right course of action the next step is to delight in the Lord, not in your circumstances. It’s easy to look at your circumstances and become discontent, dissatisfied or troubled. It’s through taking delight in the Lord that your trust will develop more and more. I’ll give you a few of suggestions on how to delight in the Lord: praise him in the morning, praise Him and noon time, praise him till the sun goes down.

5. Commit everything you do to the Lord.

The word “commit” means more than simply asking God to be involved in everything you’re doing. The word “commit” means to mix God into everything you’re doing; when you wake up and when you go to sleep, at work or at home, whatever it is you’re doing don’t leave God out make sure he is totally mixed in.

7. Be still in the presence of the Lord, and wait patiently for him to act.

This is probably the hardest part in developing trust in God, to be still and to wait patiently for God to act. To “be still” means to be quiet, there is a time to pray and then there’s a time to be quiet. It’s quite funny that one of the meanings of the word “patiently” is to dance. This verse reminds me of a child whose parents are taking him to an amusement park and all you hear is the child asking “Are we there yet?” It’s ok to pray as much as you need but at some time you just have to trust that your Heavenly Father is in control.

Learning to trust the Lord is simple; do what is right, delight in the Lord, include Him in everything you do, then be quiet and dance before the Lord and wait until He acts.

Heavenly Father, my life would be so different if only I could trust you more. I know that you have a plan with everything that’s happening in my life even if it’s not what I want, but because you are with me I know I’ll get through it.