


Thursday November 08, 2018


When choosing a doctor, you should always consider your options. When choosing where to live, what to eat, wear, how much to spend, or what to do or say, remember that for just about everything in life, you should first consider your options. That is, except when we are speaking about God’s word. The reason for this is that God does not give us His word for our consideration. On the contrary, He gives us His word for its application. When it comes to the word of God, there are no second opinions that are valid.


It is always ok to ask God why when He instructs us and it is even permissible to ask for an explanation when we do not understand. What is not ok is to walk away and not apply His word simply because we fail to understand it. Yes, you are free to walk away, however that would be rebellion or at the very least disobedience and that is never ok with God. Consider for a moment Mary the mother of Jesus as an example. God sends His angel to bring her His word, the angel tells Mary that although she is a virgin, and although she has plans of her own concerning her future, God had different plans for her life. The angel tells Mary that although she was a virgin, she was going to conceive and give birth to a child who would be the Son of God. When Mary heard this she became confused, afraid, and greatly perplexed, then she proceeded to ask the angel for an explanation. I am quiet sure that Mary, after hearing the angel’s explanation, remained as, confused, afraid, and greatly perplexed as she was before the explanation. However, she somehow was able to understand what many of us have not been able to grasp, that God gives us His word for the sake of application and not for our consideration.


Mary responded, “I am the Lord’s servant. May everything you have said about me come true.” And then the angel left her. – Luke 1:28 NLT


I understand that this can be a difficult lesson to swallow. I know that some of you are wondering how you are going to apply God’s word when you do not even understand it and when there are so many interpretations of it. Herein lies the truth; our issue is not that which we do not understand. Our problem is with that which we do understand but fail to apply. What God wants from us are the things we do understand, how we manage our finances, time, our relationship with God and with others. Do not use as an excuse or concern yourself with those things that you do not understand. Instead, concern yourself with the things you do understand but fail to apply. Once the angel of the Lord heard Mary’s response, he departed knowing that his mission had been accomplished. It is probably time for you to allow God to accomplish His purpose for your life too. Therefore, do not consider His word any longer and instead, just do it!


To walk in Mary’s shoes means you do not consider God’s word; to walk in Mary’s shoes is to apply God’s word.