Discovering God’s Will

When making decisions big or small how much do you really consider God’s will for your life? We all have an agenda for our lives. But how do we discover God’s agenda for our lives? Maybe you have a specific situation in which you want to discover God’s will. Maybe you’ve made some bad choices in your life and you want to discover how to fix the damage through God’s will. Maybe you simply want a plan for your life or maybe you need to make decisions but you’re just not sure what God wants you to do. In situations like these, how do we discover God’s will for our lives?

The truth is that our lives are the sum total of our past decisions; where we are, who we are and what we have today are a direct result of our past choices. Some of it has been good and some of it has been not so good. It’s safe to say that most of us are not where we expected to be at this point in our lives, but if we make the right choices today we can look forward to a much better tomorrow. The problem is knowing what the right choices are. The good news is that we have a Heavenly Father who has a plan and purpose for our lives, and we have a Heavenly Father who wants to guide and direct our lives. The question is, how do we discover his will for our lives?

Proverbs 3:5-6 NLT

Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do,and he will show you which path to take.

God knows more than any one else that our choices today will have a direct impact on what are lives look like tomorrow. He promises to those who trust and seek Him that he will show them the correct path to take. The best place to start the search for God’s will is in the Bible itself. The Bible is God’s tool of choice through which He wants to reveal His will for our lives. Throughout scripture we generally see God’s will revealed through the following three phrases: God’s providential will, His moral will, and His personal will.

1. God’s Providential Will

There are certain things God will do whether we want Him to or not, whether we like them or not, whether we agree with them or not. These are things that God is so determined to do that it doesn’t matter how much faith you have or how much you pray God is not going to change His mind. For example, the Bible tells us that Jesus will return to gather up the church to himself, whether we want Him to return or not and there’s nothing we can do to change His mind. This is what we call God’s providential will and the more you read and discover God’s providential will in the Bible the easier it will become to discover His will for your life.

2. God’s Moral Will

These are God’s moral imperatives for our lives. These are things that God has commanded us to do, for example, the Ten Commandments, Jesus’ commandment to love one another, or His commandment to forgive those who sin against you. This is God’s Moral will for our lives, they’re things that are so obvious that we don’t even have to pray about. For example, you don’t have to ask God if he wants you to love someone or to forgive someone. These are so obvious that we don’t even have to pray about them. The more you seek to know God’s moral will the easier it will be to discover His will for your life.

3. God’s Personal Will

There are times when seeking God’s will when the question is more personal in nature, for example: Should I get married or not? Is this the right person or not? Should I accept this job or wait for another? These are questions that are more personal in nature and what God wants for you to do or not to do may not be the same for someone else. This is what we call God’s personal will. This one can be a bit more difficult to discover. The good news is that the more you become familiar with God’s providential will and His moral will the easier it will also be to discover His personal will for your life.

God more than most anything else wants to reveal His plan and His will for our lives. But discovering God’s will begins by choosing to trust Him. If we’re not willing to do God’s will that we are aware of, what makes us think we will be willing to do His will of which we are not yet aware. It’s when we come to the place where we are willing to say, “God I trust you when I agree and when I disagree, when I understand and when I don’t understand and when I like your will and when I don’t like your will” that we position ourselves to discover His will for our lives.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do,and he will show you which path to take.- (Prov 3:5-6 NLT)

It’s SIMPLE the first step in discovering God’s will for our life is to be willing to trust Him.

Heavenly Father, you are truly a good father and you only want the best for my life. Help me to discover your will in your Word and give me the wisdom and discernment I need to make better choices. I trust that in the end you will lead me where I need to go.