You Matter



Thursday December 20, 2018


In today’s culture most people validate their existence by purchasing and doing as many things as they can. But after all is said and done most of them still have the same pressing question, does my life matter? On the day that Jesus Christ was hung on a cross, to his left and right sides were two men, both criminals. Most criminals became slaves of the Roman Empire, but not these men, their lives were worthless.


If there ever were two lives that did not matter, it must have been the lives of these two criminals. We know very little about them, we don’t know their names or their history. All we know is that their crimes merited a death sentence. That day was supposed to be their fifteen minutes of fame but even that would be stripped away from them because Jesus was placed in the middle and he became the center of all attention. Not even their death would matter.


As they hung on the cross one of the criminals began cursing Jesus hurling all kinds of insults and obscenities. But the other criminal scolded him and said, “we’re here justly, but this man has done nothing wrong.” Then, this man hanging on a cross with just minutes left to live, never having done anything good enough to save his own life asks Jesus to remember him after his death sentence was completed.


Then he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom. Jesus answered him, “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.” – Luke 23:42-43 NIV


God’s enormous mercies forgave this man his sins and God’s immeasurable grace had Jesus escort him into heaven. I believe that God’s grace is the answer to one of the most pressing question we face, does my life matter? Grace is God’s definite and specific replay that says, yes you matter, you are my creation, and I accept you and have adopted you into my family. You matter to me so much that I have sent my only son not only to die for you, I also sent him to escort you into heaven.