A Better Person





Wednesday, December 26, 2018


Self-preservation and self-improvement are the desired end result of most of our New Year resolutions. Therefore, the question that fuels most of our resolutions is: What do I need to do to create a better version of my self and my circumstances? The good news is our Heavenly Father also wants this for us. There is a problem however, and it is not related to our desire to preserve or improve our lives. The method we use to preserve and improve is the problem.


I recall growing up as a child, how parents wanting to have healthy children, would feed them until their cheeks became rosy. By today’s standards, this is considered high blood pressure and obesity. Their intentions were good, wanting to have healthy children, but their methods were having the opposite effect. The same is true for us today. Wanting to preserve and improve our lives is a good thing. Often times however, there are problems with the methods we are using to accomplish this.


For whoever wants to save, their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me and for the gospel will save it. – Mark 8:35 NIV


While these words of Jesus may come across as threatening, in reality Jesus is not trying to take anything away from us. On the contrary, Jesus is offering us the opportunity to become better people. This was Jesus’ point: just like overfeeding a child doesn’t make them healthy, focusing too much on yourself will not preserve or improve your life. This is because the person who only focuses on themselves, at the end of their life the only mark they will leave behind is himself or herself. However, people who focus their life on Jesus and sharing the good news of salvation with others, at the end of their life they will have become better people because they left a positive mark in the lives of others.


Although it may sound counterintuitive, living a self-focused life will not make you a better person. Living an others-focused live will preserve and improve your life. This is what will make you a better person.