The Humble Leader

It’s been said that some are leaders and others are followers. Are leaders born or are they made? Are people born followers or made followers? Which one would you rather be? The truth is that everyone is born both a leader and a follower. Whether you are the President or a parent, you are a leader and a follower. If you run a billion-dollar corporation or if you manage a small department, you’re both a leader and a follower. So, to answer the question, everyone is born both a leader and follower. The problem is that not everyone is a successful leader and not everyone is a successful follower. Successful leaders and successful followers are not just born they’re made.

So, how does a person become a successful leader? The answer might surprise you, by becoming a successful follower. One of the most important lessons in becoming a successful leader is first becoming a successful follower. But in order to become a successful follower you will need to have the humility to follow and to serve others. Research shows that humble leaders attract more followers, are more influential and achieve more success than those leaders who rely on their pride, position and authority. If you want to become a humble leader, no other person exemplifies humble leadership more than Jesus.

 In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus:

Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death— even death on a cross! Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name …— Philippians 2:6-9 NIV

How to become a humble leader:

  1. Humble leaders have a serving mindset.
  2. Humble leaders have a thankful mindset.
  3. Humble leaders have a lead by example mindset.
  4. Humble leaders have an invest in others mindset.

Successful leaders both lead and follow, they give orders and they’re always willing to serve. Everyone is born a leader, but successful leaders are humble leaders and humble leaders are not just born they are made through service and sacrifice.

Heavenly Father help me to be a humble leader, always willing to serve others, to be grateful, to give the best example through my life, above all put in me a heart always willing to invest in others. I know that everything You have given me, as far as my talents, time, skills and resources are not for my benefit only, but so that I can invest in the lives of others. This really is the only thing that matters and that has eternal value. Thank you for teaching me the importance of being an excellent follower so that with your help, I can become an excellent leader.