Now we Know | He loves us

Since the fall of Adam and Eve people have wondered what God was like. For thousands of years, scholars and theologians memorized his laws and studied his claims. But no one dared to say that they knew what God was like, how could they? The reason for this is that after the fall, no one had ever seen, or actually been with God.

 No one has ever seen God. But the unique One, who is himself God is near to the Father’s heart. He has revealed God to us.– John 1:18 NIV

I’d like to think that when Jesus dwelt among us, his clothes were whiter than everyone else’s, that his hair was always perfectly combed, and that when he spoke the sound of his voice was like none other. But the truth is that Jesus looked and sounded just like any other man of his time. So much so, that for thirty-three years he walked among us, and the Bible says that not even his own people recognized him. But even though he looked common, there was nothing common about him.

Eventually, Jesus was sentenced to death for calming to be the Son of God or God himself. But after his resurrection, he finally convinced many that he was who he claimed to be. And because Jesus dwelt among us, we now know what people for thousands of years wished to discover, what God is like.

The most important thing that we learn about God, as a result of Jesus dwelling among us, is that he loves us. You may think that people have always known that God loves them but this is not the case. Most people related to God based on their ability to keep his laws, not love. And since no one was able to consistently keep Gods laws many summarized that God was mad at them. Sadly, many people today still think that God is mad at them, so they run and hide from him. But if nothing else, perhaps the most important thing Jesus has taught us about God is how much He loves us.

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. – John 3:16-17 NIV