In my Hands

The hands are representative of power, influence, abilities and resources. That’s why we say things like, “I’ll handle this.” Or “give me a hand.” Or its out of my hands.” So, what are we supposed to do with everything that God has in our hands? God has given every one something; life itself is a gift.

One day as King David sat in his throne, he looked around and contemplated the incredible amount of wealth and glory God had given him. From humble beginnings, he had become the richest and most powerful man in the world. So, he summoned the prophet Nathan and said to him, I live so lavishly and the ark of God resides in a tent. I’d like to build a temple to God. So, king David called everyone in Israel and after speaking to them, starting with David then the leaders and then all of the people of Israel each one brought a voluntarily offering to build a temple to God.

After collecting the necessary funds to build the temple and moved by the generosity of the people King David prayed: “But who am I, and who are my people, that we could give anything to you? Everything we have has come from you, and we give you only what you first gave us!” It all belongs to you!

 There is an often-overlooked truth throughout the whole Bible which King David touched on in his prayer. The truth is that, we don’t really give anything, we only pass along what God has placed in our hands. And more importantly, what God placed in our hands was placed there in order for us to benefit others. That we are not the purpose for the gift instead we are the means through which God wants to distribute the gift.

David understood that it would be tragic to have been so blessed by God and that his only response would be to say, thanks. King David understood that he was not supposed to consume everything that God had given him on himself. He understood that what God had placed in his hands was meant to reflect God. The God who gave him life and everything he had.

So, what has God placed in your hands? And how can you use it in a way that reflects God in this generation?