With All Your Heart

People take jobs and collect a paycheck, but never put all their heart into their work. People plan, elaborate weddings and get married but at the first sign of trouble, they walk away. People join churches but they only attend when it’s suitable for them. They start diets, join gyms, enroll in schools, or start reading a book, but never put all their heart into the matter; they fail to see these matters all the way through. The reason for this is that they never fully committed to anything. Actually, they’ve sacrificed commitment for the sake of convenience. 

Sadly, many people will look back at their lives and wonder, what would have happened if they had fully committed? Wondering if instead of just getting a job, getting married, or joining a church, they would have thrown their whole self into the matter? They will look back and wonder who they could have been and what they could have accomplished if they had not sacrificed commitment for the sake of convenience.

 Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. – Colossians 3:23-24 NIV

It’s a fatal mistake to believe that God is going to bless a career, a marriage, a family or anything that you’re not fully committed to. The price you must pay for the life you want to have is called commitment. Without commitment, you’ll live a life full of regrets and you will not get very far. Because God blesses the areas of your life in which you’re willing to do them with all of your heart.