A New Person

We are imperfect; we do not always get things right. This is because many of our decisions are informed by the hurts, hang-ups, and bad habits that we carry. The good news is that God forgives us of all of our sins but He does not stop there, He also wants to transform our lives.

Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Romans 12:2 NIV

What a person thinks informs how they act and how they act will determine the outcome in their lives. It is not surprising then that so many people are unhappy. Their intentions might be good but because their hurts, hang-ups, and pains are impacting their actions they are not achieving their desired goals. God wants to go beyond forgiving us; He wants to transform us by changing the way we think. If we think differently then we will act differently, and if we act differently we will end up with different results. If you are going to choose to be happy, you are going to have to be transformed by changing the way you think.


Focus on changing one defect at a time.

An intelligent person aims at wise actions, but a fool starts off in many directions. – Proverbs 17:24 TEV

Focus on victory one day at a time.

“Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough troubles of its own.” – Matthew 6:34 NIV

By simply changing your focus, you will begin to change the way you think. Once you have changed the way you think, you will be on the way to the transformation that will lead you to becoming a new person.