Fighting Back


As far as I can tell, we still don’t know who exactly is to blame for the Coronavirus. Some speculate that it’s a man-made virus from a Chinese lab and some believe that it’s a virus that began in an animal market in Wuhan China where consumers purchase exotic animals like bats, scorpions, and lizards for consumption. Still others think that it was created by some of the most powerful governments of the world as a way to create Civil Obedience Via Infectious Disease (COVID). But as for the media, they know exactly who’s to blame for the Coronavirus, Evangelicals. In a recently published New York Times op-ed titled, “The road to Coronavirus” the author wrote: “Hell was paved by Evangelicals. It’s is foolish and malicious to hold the Chinese (or any other) people responsible for the spread of the virus.” At the risk of sounding crazy, the truth is that the hater who wrote this piece is partially correct. No, Evangelicals are not to blame, but the truth is that this virus came from the unseen world. 

Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on all of God’s armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies of the devil. For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places. Ephesians 6:10-12 NLT

As Christians, we should be socially responsible but we should also fight back. But first, we must recognize that our battle is not against flesh-and-blood enemies but rather evil authorities that lurk in the unseen world. President Trump calls the virus the invisible enemy, and may he and his team quickly succeed in finding a vaccine and treatment to combat the virus. But as for those of us who are followers of Jesus, we need to fight back in the unseen world. 

As we pause, ponder, and pray we must recognize that our strength comes from the Lord, and that what’s happening inside of us and in the spiritual world is far more important than what’s happening in the physical world. But this will not happen watching the news all day long. You should probably keep up to date but you don’t need more than 30 minutes of news each day. You should use this time now that you’re at home to pray and read God’s word so that you can strengthen yourself in order to fight back in the unseen world.