It’s time

Time is one of the greatest mysteries of life; you can measure it, you can sense it moving forwards, you can describe the record it leaves behind, and you can even predetermine how you’ll consume it. But what you can’t do is define it, save it, or stop it. The Word of God teaches that time and life go hand and hand, therefore, as you manage your life you must take into consideration not only what you do but when you do it. Maybe that’s why Solomon wrote;

Don’t put it off; do it now! Don’t rest until you do. – Proverbs 6:4 NLT

Time is one of mankind’s most precious gift, with enough time there’s almost nothing you can’t do or accomplish. But time is also a thief. Time will steal your youth, your strength, your health and eventually everything else you have. When talking about time we tend to say things like, this is not a good time or this is a good time. But time in itself is neither good or bad, what’s important is how you choose to use your time. 

See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil. – Ephesians 5:15:16 NKJ

As the world goes from one crisis to another it’s a reminder that a time will come when God’s clock will strike midnight, at which time there will be an end to the world as we know it but it will also be a beginning. There will be an end to evil and the injustices of the world and the beginning of God’s reign throughout the world. Now, no one but God alone knows when this will happen, but we do know that with each day and each crisis we go through we’re one step closer. 

1. Walk circumspectly – simply stated this means to live your life wary and unwilling to take unnecessary risks. 

2. Live not as fools but as wise – A fool knows what is right but chooses not to do so. A wise person knows what is right and that is what they choose to do. 

3. Redeem your time – every day you get a coupon giving you 24 hours, you must use them wisely, especially in light of the fact that we’re living in some evil days.