What’s Next?

With lockdown orders beginning to expire all over the world and with many state and local governments easing restrictions as the U.S. begins to reopen, the question is, what’s next? Well, at a societal level that remains to be seen but at an individual level that depends on whether or not you’ve taken the necessary steps to prepare yourself. Some people have developed or sharpened their skills, others have studied to develop new ones, and others have planned for what they will do once all restrictions are eased. But no matter what you’ve chosen to do with your time the truth is that we will soon be exiting this unprecedented phase in our lives but only to enter a new and unprecedented one.  

Therefore, since a promise remains of entering His rest, let us fear lest any of you seem to have come short of it. – Hebrews 4:1 NKJ

The author of the Book of Hebrews targets his writing specifically to a group of first-century Jewish converts who had just exited the most powerful, exciting, and memorable time in the history of mankind. But, they had also entered into a difficult transition period. They had exited the period of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ with the promise of his return for them. The problem was that as they waited for Jesus to return they were paying a heavy price for converting to Christianity. They had been forced into social, political, and financial distancing from the rest of the community. And with things going from bad to worse they began to abandon their faith. 

In the Bible, the most prevalent commandment we find is “do not fear” the commandment in one form or another appears hundreds of times. However, the author of the Book of Hebrews tells the Jewish people that they should fear. He tells them they should fear that after being part of the most important time in history, the coming of the Son of God into our world with the promise of a new and eternal kingdom, they should fear being unprepared and falling short of receiving the promise as a result of the difficulties of life. 

As followers of Jesus we should not fear what comes next at a societal level, Jesus already said, “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” But the writer of the Book of Hebrews warns us that at an individual level the one thing we should fear is not being prepared for what God is going to do next. 

What are you doing to prepare for what’s coming next?