Confessions Of A Fugitive IV: Missing Out!


Every time a person chooses to run from God it’s because they think they’re going to miss out on something. God calls them to serve him and they’re thinking if I serve Him I’m going to miss out on a business opportunity. God calls them to change morally and they’re thinking that they’re going to miss out on some kind of pleasure. When a person runs from God in effect what they have done is to give more value to what or who they are running to than God, whom they are running from.

God calls Jonah and Jonah analyzes his situation and reaches the conclusion that there is greater value in turning from God than turning to God. So he decides to run from Him in the opposite direction. But Jonah is no different than all of us because at one time or another we’ve all turned from God, we’ve all looked at our situation and said, “if I obey God I’m going to miss out on something”. It’s important that we recognize this, because we live in a world that is constantly telling us that if you choose to follow God there is something good out there that you’re going to miss out on. But it was because of this way of thinking that Jonah ended up in a very bad situation, in the middle of the sea inside the belly of a fish. But that’s when he realized the terrible mistake he had made in running from God. That’s when he confesses to God and prays the following words:

Jonah 2:8-9 NIV

8 “Those who cling to worthless idolsturn away from God’s love for them. 9But I, with shouts of grateful praise,will sacrifice to you. What I have vowed I will make good.I will say, ‘Salvation comes from the Lord.”

When you run from God you turn away from God’s love for you.

If you were to ask Jonah, how did running from God work out for you? He would probably say to you, “Trust me don’t turn away from God because turning away from Him is turning away from His love”. Jonah would say, “But when I repented and made my way back to God I discovered that in His love there was also salvation for me”.

There are people today who are tired from running from God, but they don’t want to surrender because they feel as though they will miss out on something. The truth is that what they’re missing out on is God’s unconditional love, what they’re missing out on is true freedom, what they’re missing out on is the truly good things of life, because turning away from God is turning away from His love for us demonstrated on the cross of Calvary.

Its, simple to run from God is to turn away from His great love for you demonstrated on the cross of Calvary.

Heavenly Father I’m tired of running from you in certain areas that I still have not given up, help me that this teaching would be a radical change in my life and that I would always go in your direction in all situations, so that I can enjoy that great love of yours that you showed me once and for all on the cross.