A Privilege Pt. 2 “The Right Choices”

English Devotional

Wednesday, June 17 2015

Our lives are the sum total of the decisions we have made. Who we are, what we have, and where we are in life is a direct result of our decisions. If you do not like where you are physically, spiritually, financially, relationally, or in any and every area of your life, you need to make better decisions. Some of our past decisions were good while others were bad. Some of our bad decisions were made knowingly while others were made with the belief that they were ‘the right thing to do’. As we look back however, we realize that we were wrong. Today, the things we have, who we are, and where we are in life, are a result of both our good and bad decisions. If you need improvement in any area of your life, you will need to make better choices.

Our decisions, both good and bad, are reached thru the lens of our context, our perspective, and the results that we hope to achieve. What would happen however, if the context in which we make our decisions was broader, not limited to our knowledge, or the people around us? What if we had a greater perspective, a perspective made up of all humanity past, present and future? Moreover, what if instead of making our best educated guess, we knew how every decision we make will end up? How would that influence your decisions? I am certain we would always make the right choices and we would live with fewer regrets. Let me give you some exiting news; that is exactly what we have in our Heavenly Father. In Him we have the context of all human experiences, the perspective of the past, present, and the future, full knowledge as to how things will end up, not having to guess, instead knowing what the result of every decision we make will be. How do we access this wisdom and knowledge? We can access Gods’ wisdom and knowledge through prayer.

When we truly begin to understand who God is and what He offers us, praying goes from being a spiritual discipline to being a spiritual privilege, the privilege of bringing our Heavenly Fathers context, perspective and knowledge into our decision-making process. However, when you pray, do not limit your prayer to giving God your laundry list. Come to God prepared to listen to Him. When you pray you can ask God about all the decisions you have to make and no decision is too big or small for Him, but you must also come prepared to listen and to expect an answer from Him. Gods’ primary source for answering our prayers is the Bible, His written word. Prayer is not just about talking to God and then walking away. Prayer is also about listening to Him and allowing Him to bring His heavenly wisdom into our lives. The next time you pray come prepared to listen, include your Bible in your prayer time, and bring something to take notes with so that you can remember what God has to tell you.

Finally, since our context, perspective, and knowledge, is so limited when compared to Gods’, at times what He says won’t make sense, so one of the best things you can do is take notes. Also, since Gods’ response may not be immediate instead eventual, what God has to say to you will make perfect sense.

Where we are today is a direct result of the past decisions we made and where we will be tomorrow will be the direct result of the decisions we make today. So, is it or not, wise to bring Gods knowledge into your life?

Psalms 14:2 NLT

The Lord looks down from heaven on the entire human race; he looks to see if anyone is truly wise, if anyone seeks God.

It’s simple; prayer is the tool God uses to listen to you and His word the resource He uses to answer your prayers.
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