A Question of Faith – Bobby Cruz Jr




Thursday February 25, 2016

Every follower of Jesus, everyone who has discovered his or her divine purpose, anyone who is about to make a big decision whether big or small must ask themselves the following questions: Can God be trusted? Can I trust God with my relationships? Can I trust God with my time? Can I trust God with my finances? Can I trust God with my life?

Accepting and implementing God’s divine purpose for your life is in and of itself an act of faith. Living by faith is the ultimate expression of praise, worship, and devotion to God. Nothing honors your Heavenly Father more than basing your life decisions in all areas on His divine purpose for you. It is easy to follow God when He says: here is ten million dollars now follow me. That hard thing is to follow God when He does not make a single deposit into your account. The harder your circumstances are, the greater will be the potential for God to be honored. The more faith your divine purpose requires, greater will be the potential for God to do amazing things in and through you. Accepting and implementing God’s divine purpose for your life will always boil down to a question of faith.

Every Bible character who ever accomplished anything heroic, lived caught up in the strain between faith and the execution of their divine purpose. These heroes of the Scriptures fueled their faith with their divine purpose. Noah understood his divine purpose as having to build an ark to rescue mankind from the impending flood. His divine purpose fueled his faith; after all God was the one warning him of the coming destruction. Without great faith, Noah would have never built an ark. His divine purpose challenged his faith and his faith became fuel for his vision to build an ark.

Hebrews 11:6 NIV

And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.

God’s divine purpose will eventually encompass all areas of your life. The question you must ask yourself every day concerning every decision you make is: Can God be trusted? Nothing pleases God more than your willingness to trust Him at His word. God takes great pleasure in your determination in the face of debilitating circumstances. Because, without faith you will never accomplish your divine purpose, and if you do not accomplish your divine purpose, you will never please God.