Amazing Grace!

Monday November 02, 2015

I have read more books on the grace of God than on any other subject in the Bible. I see the grace of God in the first book of the Bible all the way to the last. I see Gods grace in every story, psalm, and teaching. If I were to describe my personal experience with God, I would do so with one single word, grace. However, the more I learn about and experience Gods grace, the more difficult it becomes to define. I believe there are no words that can adequately and fully define Gods grace. Therefore, as I write about grace, please note this is not an attempt to define grace or even explain it. Instead, it is my attempt to share with you what I have experienced and learned about grace.

John 1 NIV 14,16,17

The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.

Out of his fullness we have all received grace in place of grace already given. For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.

Although I am of the opinion that there are no words powerful or adequate to define Gods grace, if I had to choose a definition, I would choose to describe it as Amazing Grace. As I previously stated however, my intention is not to define Gods grace it is to share what I have learned about grace and how I have experienced it. It goes something like this: I behaved irresponsibly, God assumed the consequences. I sinned; God forgave me and bore the punishment for my sins. I made a mess and God cleaned it up. I committed a crime and God suffered the sentence. I racked up a bill I could not pay and God paid it in full.

For me grace is that constant reminder of just how much I need God. However, I have come across many believers who are afraid of grace. They view grace as something that is weak and prefer instead to rely on Gods laws. They are of the opinion that grace is not powerful enough to change a person; they believe that grace is something people will take advantage of and use to continue sinning. I truly believe that people who would use Gods grace as an excuse to continue sinning have either never experienced grace or have rejected it altogether. There are no laws capable of transforming the human heart like the grace of God can. It has been my experience that the grace of God convicts me of my sins yet it also takes away my guilt and shame. Gods grace has set me free yet it never lets me go. Gods grace puts my feet firmly on the ground and at the same time lifts me up to the heavens. In short, Gods grace has changed my life more than anything else on earth or in heaven. As believers, I do not think we should underestimate grace; on the contrary, we have a responsibility to highlight it and share Gods grace with others.

What I have learned and experienced about Gods grace is that it is so powerful it has the potential to change the human heart like nothing else I know. Gods grace is so powerful it can heal the deepest wounds of the heart; it can take people who are at war with each other and unite them in peace and love. Gods grace has the power to heal families, communities, cities, nations, and even the whole world. Gods grace has the power to break down political, religious, and racial barriers, No set of laws can ever do what the grace of God can do and neither do they have the potential to change the human heart the way grace does. I cannot define it and I cannot explain it, but, what I can say is that there is nothing I know that has the greatest potential to transform your life more than Gods amazing grace.

Heavenly Father what would my life be like without your amazing grace, it’s so amazing that I can’t fully comprehend it but I am so grateful for it, because without it I would be completely lost. Help me to live in total appreciation of your grace and extending it to others, because that is precisely what you do for me every day of my life.