An Invitation – Frank Gali



The series ended this week but many found a starting point. There are different starting points for everyone in their walk. For some, it is a reset to their faith and for others, it is a beginning of their walk with Him. Where are you in your walk with Jesus? There are many who have a calling to serve the Lord in a full-time basis. There are some who will serve on Sundays in one or more of the various ministries. Regardless, there is something He has for you.


Jesus gave the invitation to His disciples, “Go and make disciples of all nations” and today we have accepted this invitation. As a result, we belong to the Church or the ecclesia -the gathering of believers, and His desire is that we go and invite others to be a part of this assembly. He has given us the authority, His Spirit, and the message about the greatest event ever in the world -the resurrection of Jesus Christ. To all those who will place their trust in Him, they will have eternal life.


What is my next step? Pray and God will lead you.





Based on the series, what is the next step for me? What is God leading me to do as a part of His Church. This is my prayer.



We continue to pray for our finances that God will continue to provide for His Church.




We continue to pray for our families that God will use us bring those that don’t know Him in to His kingdom.







We continue to pray for the Church building construction. We pray the plans will be accelerated. We pray for no hindrances to the workers, permits, and construction.







Continue to pray for our leaders, more specifically in our country: president, senators, and governors?







Continue to ask God to help with our co-workers and/or classmates to know who Jesus is.




Lost Souls

Let’s continue interceding on behalf of the persons that they may know Jesus.