An Unexpected Gift

An Unexpected Gift

Soon we will celebrate Christmas. At the forefront of this celebration is the peace that comes from being reconciled with God. However, Christmas also brings to the forefront the lack of peace that is a result of broken and un-reconciled relationships. The impossible has been done; we are reconciled to God but remain un-reconciled with each other. The reason for this is that reconciliation is not easy. Just ask Jesus about the price He had to pay so that we could be reconciled with God.

Reconciliation is always counterintuitive and uncomfortable but necessary especially for those of us who call ourselves Christians. Jesus told us that if we are bringing an offering to God, but remember at the altar that we have a broken relationship, we must leave our offering at the altar. Then, we must go and reconcile with that person. Only then, can we return and present our offering to God. Reconciliation is necessary even if you are not a follower of Jesus, because, hurt people hurt other people. Whether or not you can appreciate it, your hurts and pain that are a result of your broken relationships have an adverse impact on those around you especially those closest to you. This sets off a chain reaction of hurt people hurting people; people that have nothing to do with your broken relationships. More than likely, you already know that you should reconcile but reconciliation is an excessively emotional process. You might be thinking; if they have not called, why should I call? If they do not care, why should I care? I will tell you why; because it’s Christmas, because God offered us reconciliation, and the least we can do is offer to be reconciled to others.

1 Corinthians 5:18-19

All of this is a gift from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation: that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting people’s sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation.

Christmas is our opportunity to do to others what God has done for us, which is to give us what we least deserved but needed the most. Christmas is the time to reconcile with others the same way God reconciled with us. Keep in mind; we rebelled against God yet He made the first move. God sent His son as the ultimate gesture of reconciliation. There are those who for years have rejected this offer, others continue to reject the offer, but He waits patiently for the day when we will accept it.

Who needs to also offer reconciliation this Christmas? Perhaps you need to send an unexpected letter, make an unexpected visit, or send an unexpected gift. Lets gift the same gift God has given to us; lets give reconciliation this Christmas season.


Merry Christmas!