Anchoring God’s Divine Purpose – Bobby Cruz Jr.




Wednesday May 11, 2016

I have many memories of my childhood growing up in Puerto Rico and of my parents taking my sisters and I to the beach. However, there is one memory that stands out more than the others do; it is the memory of the first time my parents allowed me to go into the water on my own. This was a big deal! On the one hand, I was finally, able to jump into the water without having to wait, but on the other hand, this was my first time going in on my own. I recall the first thing I did once I was in the water; I looked to see where my parents were. By pinpointing their location, my position in relation to them gave me a sense of security. After what seemed just a mere few minutes, I looked up and could not find my parents; in fact, everything looked different. I began to panic and suddenly realized that the currents had dragged me down the shoreline. I frantically began to look left and right until I eventually located my parents.


From that day forward, I learned how to use buildings as a reference point, one to my left and one on my right. If the currents dragged my past those buildings, I would get out of the water and walk back and reposition myself in front of my parents. This lesson carried into my adulthood. The same way the currents at the beach dragged me away from where my parents positioned me; the currents of life behave in the same manner as they are constantly pulling us away from our Heavenly Father.


Nehemiah 9:1-4 NIV

On October 31the people assembled again, and this time they fasted and dressed in burlap and sprinkled dust on their heads. Those of Israelite descent separated themselves from all foreigners as they confessed their own sins and the sins of their ancestors. They remained standing in place for three hours while the Book of the Law of the Lord their God was read aloud to them. Then for three more hours they confessed their sins and worshiped the Lord their God.


Nehemiah and the people of Jerusalem recognized that God had shown up in their lives. Against all odds and with incredible opposition from the outside and from within, the walls of Jerusalem were rebuilt in just fifty-two days. Everyone, those who opposed as well as those in favor, recognized that God Himself showed up and so they voluntarily surrendered their lives to Him. Shortly thereafter, they also recognized that their downfall had been their disobedience to God. They realized that what had once happened to them could very well happen again. They knew that God showing up was not enough to prevent them from drifting back towards their old ways. Therefore, after studying the law of God, they established reference points for their lives, things that would prevent the currents of life from dragging them along.


Nehemiah 9:38 NIV

The people responded, “In view of all this, we are making a solemn promise and putting it in writing. On this sealed document are the names of our leaders and Levites and priests.”


The people decided to formalize their reference points by writing them down and using them as a covenant between them and God. This covenant covered three areas: first, their relationship with non-believers, second, honoring the day of the Lord, and third, caring for the Lord’s temple.


Nehemiah and the people recognized the effect the currents of life had on them. As a result, they established reference points to keep the currents from dragging them away; we too should do the same. Therefore, I invite you to come back next week and to go on this journey with us of establishing reference points and learning how to use them to anchor God’s divine purpose for our lives.