Are you good enough?

It’s the Christmas season, a time for good news. But before I give you the good news, we have to face two facts. First, if you’re reading this post you’re alive. Second, if you’re reading this post, eventually you’re going to have to face death. We don’t like to think about it, but one of the most important questions we should ask ourselves is, what happens after we die? Studies show that most people believe in life after death and that most of them believe in some sort of heaven and hell. 

Studies also show that people believe that there’s more than one way to make it to heaven. That’s probably because most religions teach that good people go to heaven. They all have different approaches to the question of the afterlife, but they all agree that entering into heaven depends on how good or bad a person you were during your lifetime. So, if entering into heaven is about being a good person, the question is, are you good enough?

This is where Christianity departs from all of the major religions. In Christianity the only measurement we find as to the question of, how good a person must be, is that you must be perfect. And being that no one is perfect, that means that no one is good enough to make it to heaven.

The good news is that Christianity also teaches that anyone who accepts Jesus as their Savior can make it into heaven. At first glance, this may seem unfair. But in a world full of imperfect people, everyone has an equal chance of making it to heaven no matter their upbringing, race, educational level, or social status. It’s because of God’s grace we’re all given the opportunity to enter into heaven.

The night Jesus was born the Angel of the Lord appeared to a group of terrified shepherds who were most likely thinking that they were going to die that night, and said to them: 

“Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people.11 Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. – Luke 2:10-11 NIV

Good news, you’re alive! And the even better news is that God sent his son into the world so that when your number is called, you can face death with the certainty that you will make it into haven. Not because of who you are or what you’ve done, but rather because of who Jesus is, and what he’s done.