At His Service – Frank Gali






My God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus. – Philippians 4:19


God takes care of every need we have. He took care of all the needs of the people of Israel as they moved through the desert. In fact, they received manna from heaven; bread for each day. They never went hungry and their shoes did not wear out.


In His sermon on the mount, Jesus reminded his followers that even the birds of the air have food to eat and do not worry about these things. In fact, Jesus said to seek the kingdom of God first and everything else we need would be added.


The Apostle Paul’s life exemplified this. He faced serious trials, but God protected and cared for him. From a lonely prison cell, he wrote to the New Testament churches, promising them that God would provide for their needs. He encouraged them not to hold anything back—not their finances nor their devotion to Him.

Are you willing to offer yourself to Christ for His service and for His glory?  Or are you continuing to hold back, not giving what is rightfully His?





Are you a fully devoted follower of Jesus Christ? Pray that God would show you the areas where you are lacking.



We continue to pray for our finances, asking God to provide for His Church. We pray that we do not hold back what belongs to God and that we give with gratitude.





Today, we pray for our families and ask that God will use us bring those that don’t know Him in to His kingdom.





Let us pray for the Church, such that God would continue to use us to edify our Church.





On this day, we pray for our leaders and ask God to use us to support them in their areas of ministry.





Pray that you can be a blessing to your co-workers and/or classmates such that you may be a “light” to lead them to Christ.



Lost Souls


Finally, pray for the people you know that are unbelievers, continuing to ask God for their salvation.