Before Christ, after Christ

The resurrection of Jesus is not merely a religious event that Christians celebrate once a year, the resurrection is an event that we celebrate every day of our lives, an event that has transformed our lives forever from the moment we deposited our faith in Jesus. As for me, I know that the same way Jesus divided time in two, before His death and after His death, He did it with me and with everyone who loves him and has received the gift of eternal life. And I say this because the resurrection completely changed my perception of life, so much so that what used to be important is no longer so important and things that were not important have become a priority for me.

What I’m trying to say is simple; before Christ I was manly interested in reaching many goals, mostly financial goals. I also worried a lot about my image, how people perceived me. But after knowing Christ gradually, not overnight, my outlook on life changed completely. Now, financial goals looked completely different, now it was not about spending it all on myself but rather investing in things that have eternal value. Now, my image was not so important but rather the people around me became important. And now my main concern is what God thinks about me. And you know why? Because when we understand the resurrection we cannot live as before, it is impossible. What is perishable loses value and what is eternal gains value, plain and simple.

I want to live the resurrection of my Savior every day and I want others to have the opportunity to live that “after” that will change their lives forever, because Jesus wants us all to live this event, so much so that he suffered like no other human being on earth so that he could carry it out three days after giving his life for us.

Hundreds of people were without hope and when they saw that Jesus had resurrected, their lives were also divided in two, before this event and after the event, so much so that they neither talked nor acted as they did before the resurrection.

Acts 2:36
“Know, then, certainly all the house of Israel, this Jesus whom you crucified, God has made Lord and Christ (the Messiah).”
Apostle Peter.

Can you believe this is the same Peter who just days before had denied him, not once but three times? That’s Him in our lives, when we allow his resurrection to impact us we are never the same, neither is our outlook on life.

It’s simple, the resurrection of Jesus is the only event with the power to transform our lives, creating a before and after.

Beloved Jesus, thank you for having risen! No event in the history of mankind is more important than this, that’s why it has such an impact in our lives when we believe it. Thanks for being my savior, Jesus I love you.

– Cory Reyes

PS: Don’t you think it’s important that the people you love should have a “before and after”? So don’t miss out on the opportunity this­­ Easter Sunday.