Better Socially

Your goal should never be to do things well, your goal should always be to do them better. You should never root yourself in being a good friend, son, daughter, parent, spouse or even a good Christian. You should never settle for having good things, you should always march forwards to the better things that God has in store for you. But better begins with you. The better you are internally the better you’ll be externally. Therefore, in your quest for better, prioritize bettering yourself physically, spiritually, mentally but also socially.

Walk with the wise and become wise; associate with fools and get in trouble. – Proverbs 13:20 NIV

The people you choose to socialize with for good or bad will have a profound impact on the direction and quality of your life. It’s unavoidable, you will have to interact with  many people, some who are wise and a whole lot of foolish ones too. By the way a wise person is simply the person that knows what’s right and does what’s right. For  example, it’s the person who knows that smoking leads to cancer therefore they do not smoke. A fool is the person who knows that smoking leads to cancer but they smoke anyway. In life you may have to interact with some foolish people and if you’re honest, on many occasions you’ve probably acted foolishly yourself. But, it’s one thing to interact with foolish people and it’s a whole other to walk with them.

 If you walk with the wise, wisdom will rub off on you; wisdom is contagious. But if you choose to walk with fools you won’t become a fool, but you will get into trouble. Trouble is also contagious, you get into it when you choose to do life with the unwise.

The truth is that the people you choose to walk with will either make your life better or get you into trouble.So, choose wisely who you walk through life with.