Better than Better

What could be better in your life? Could it be your health, finances or relationships?   The good news is that God always wants to lead us to something better. The problem is our tendency to want to better the things and areas in our lives that are bad or that we’re not happy with. But the larger problem is that the good things in our lives oftentimes hinder us from reaching towards even better things. If you feel that you’re a good person, friend, spouse or parent it’s possible that you may not feel the need to become better. Or, if you have a good family, marriage, health or finances you may settle in and never realize that God actually has something even better for you. Sadly, it’s only when what is good in our life begins to fall apart, that we start to seek something better.

… No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. – Romans 8:37 NIV

God does not just want you to conquer He wants you to be more than that. To conquer is good but to be more than a conqueror is even better. Better should never be our goal, being better than better should be our goal. You should enjoy and appreciate the good things in your life, they’re a blessing from God. But we shouldn’t settle in because God always has something better lay ahead. So, don’t just look to better those things and areas in your life that are not good. Also, seek to better the things and areas that are already good. Always striving for better than better.