Big Blessings



Thursday, October 25, 2018


It has been said that for every blessing that you receive in life, there comes a corresponding responsibility; and the greater the blessing, the greater the responsibility. If your parents bought you your first car, that blessing comes with a great responsibility; you must take care of the vehicle and you must drive responsibly. Such is the nature of a blessing, the greater the blessing, the greater the responsibility.


Many centuries ago, God chose to bless a young Jewish lady born in exile in Persia, her name was Esther. For reasons the Bible does not give us, Esther lost both of her parents at a young age. If that were not enough, the highest-ranking family member available to care for her was an older cousin named Mordecai. Adding to her troubles at the time, Esther was more than likely poor and had little to no hope for a decent future. That is, until God decided to bless her. Esther went from being a poor girl and then God ushered her into the royal palace where she became the Queen of Persia. Oh, but as I previously stated, along with that great blessing came an equally great responsibility.


One day, Esther’s husband, King Xerxes, decided to bless a man named Haman and made him the highest-ranking official in his kingdom. Haman loved his newfound position because each time he walked by, all the king’s officials had to bow down before him. Mordecai being a Jew refused to bow down before Haman. For this reason, Haman ordered the annihilation of all the Jews living in Persia. Now, because of Esther’s great blessing, the responsibility of interceding on behalf of the Hebrew people was entirely up to her; because, great blessings come with great responsibilities. Esther, at the risk of losing her own position and life, decided that the responsible thing to do was to plead with the king on behalf of the Jewish people. Esther had no idea how things would turn out, but God honored her action by saving the lives of the Jewish people in Persia.


God has blessed you too just as He did Esther and Haman. Esther chose to use her blessing responsibly and not for her own gain, instead she used it for the benefit of others. Haman decided to use his blessing irresponsibly; he thought his blessing was all about him. In the end, Esther saved her people and grew in stature while Haman lost everything including his life. Moreover, the king took all of Haman’s possessions, title, and position and gave them to Esther’s cousin Mordecai.


“Go at once,” the king commanded Haman. “Get the robe and the horse and do just as you have suggested for Mordecai the Jew, who sits at the king’s gate. Do not neglect anything you have recommended.”So Haman got the robe and the horse. He robed Mordecai, and led him on horseback through the city streets, proclaiming before him, “This is what is done for the man the king delights to honor!” Esther 6:10-11 NIV


How will you choose to use your blessings? God has also blessed you with a position, children, money, influence, friends… and the list goes on. Perhaps however, the greatest blessing God has given you is your personal salvation, but remember, the greater the blessing the greater the responsibility. You have the responsibility of sharing this great blessing with everyone around you.


To walk in Esther’s shoes is to know that with every blessing there are responsibilities and the greater the blessing the greater the responsibility.