Blessable – Bobby Cruz Jr




Tuesday May 17, 2016


What you plant is what you will reap. What goes up must come down. If you live by the sword, you will die by the sword. You are what you eat. These are universal principles; it does not matter where you live, what your age is, or what you believe, they apply to everyone. Becoming and remaining successful depends on our ability to know, and to adhere to a core set of universal principles.


As we approach the end of Nehemiah’s and the people of Jerusalem’s story, observe how evidently clear the reason for their demise became to them. Military weakness was not the reason. The reason for their demise was due to them ignoring the principles God had established for them individually and as a nation. God however, reestablishes them and blesses them again. They understood that in order to continue receiving God’s blessings, they could no longer afford to ignore the principles God established for them.


2 Chronicles 16:9 NKJ

For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him.


There are things that God will always bless, and others He will never bless. God always blesses obedience but He will never bless disobedience. Nehemiah and the leaders understood that in order to keep God’s blessings flowing, they would need to commit to obeying Him. Therefore, they chose three major areas of the law and created a written pact with God concerning them. They promised in writing to keep proper relationships with foreigners, they promised to not neglect the day of the Lord, and lastly, they promised to not neglect the Temple of the Lord.


When you commit to a determined set of beliefs and behaviors, it keeps your life blessable. Disobedience will place you outside of the parameters in which God blesses. Obedience will place you inside the parameters in which God blesses.