Blessings and Glory – Bobby Cruz Jr



Tuesday, April 19, 2016

 I am the Lord! That is my name! I will not share my glory with anyone else…

– Isaiah 42:8 NET


As you focus on God’s divine purpose for your life, whether it is being a loving spouse, a good parent, son, or daughter, finding the right person, becoming the right person, building a career, business, or ministry… what you may not be aware of is that parallel to all of this, God is up to something. In all of this, God is looking to obtain glory for Himself.


I must confess, there was a time when God’s constant pursuit of glory puzzled me. It puzzled me, that while the Bible teaches us to not be selfish or do anything for the sake of our own glory; God on the other hand, does everything for His glory and He does not share it with anyone. Although it is difficult for me to admit, there was a part of me that saw God as a selfish egomaniac. OMG! Nothing could be farther from the truth.


God’s ultimate purpose for your life extends beyond your relationships, becoming the right person, finding the right person, or developing a career, business, or ministry. While the details of the vision God has given you for your life consume you, obtaining glory for Himself is God’s ultimate purpose. God’s divine purpose for our lives is a means to a greater end, and the greater end is the salvation of many and the glory of God; this is God’s ultimate goal, wish, and desire.


While the details of the divinely ordained vision of rebuilding Jerusalem consumed Nehemiah and the people, parallel to this, God was looking to gain glory not just from the people, but also from His enemies.


Nehemiah 6:15 NIV

So the wall was completed on the twenty-fifth of Elul, in fifty-two days.16 When all our enemies heard about this, all the surrounding nations were afraid and lost their self-confidence, because they realized that this work had been done with the help of our God.


When Nehemiah and the people completed the task, even God’s enemies sang His praises. Even they had to admit that the only way to complete a task of this magnitude is with the help of God. Remember, many of these people did not believe in God to begin with. However, when the glory of God goes on display through the limited ability of the leader and the workers, even God’s enemies have to give Him His due glory.


When I read this story, I realize just how unselfish God really is. Not sharing His glory means that there is no one else like Him. When I was a young boy, I always believed that my earthly father was the strongest, fastest, smartest man alive and although I still believe this, the truth is there will always be someone else who is stronger, faster, and smarter. However, when it comes to my Heavenly Father, there is no one else like Him. He is without a doubt the strongest, smartest, and fastest and no one else compares. Don’t you find it amazing to know that Almighty God is on our side? Isn’t it good to know that nobody else deserves glory? Isn’t it great news to know that God who deserves all glory and who does not share His glory is on yours and my side? Therefore, we do not have to worry about anything or anyone.


Nehemiah and the people finished rebuilding the walls, God received the glory, and the people, even their enemies, received the blessings