Climbing the Ladder of Success

In his book, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People,” Steven Covey gives us an analogy of a man who worked very hard to climb the ladder of success. But, when he finally reached the last step as he looked around he discovered that after so much time and hard work he had leaned his ladder on the wrong wall. This is a perfect illustration of what’s happening to so many people today. They seem like successful people but when they reach the end of their lives they discover that they leaned their ladder on the wrong wall. So, how do you know if your ladder is leaning on the right wall?

A good name is better than fine perfume, and the day of death better than the day of birth. It is better to go to a house of mourning than to go to a house of feasting, for death is the destiny of everyone; the living should take this to heart. – Ecclesiastes 7:1-2 

It’s not where your life begins that will make you successful, it’s where it will end. Some people were born into favorable circumstances yet did not end up being successful. Meanwhile, others are born into unfortunate circumstances and find a way to become successful. King Solomon reminds us that every person’s last step on the ladder that leads to the ultimate successful life is death. So, think about it, what would you like the important people in your life to say about you when you die? Is what you would like for them to say about you your personal definition of success? I’m going to guess, that what you would want them to say has nothing to do with the people you knew or what you achieved. I bet it has everything to do with what kind of person you were. So, how do you know if your ladder is leaning on the right wall? If the wall your ladder is leaning on prioritizes who you becoming over who you know and what you’ve achieved, then your ladder is leaning on the right wall and you’re destined to live a successful life.