Commitment to God

I find it disturbing that the concept of a commitment is something that has all but disappeared from our society. People want the benefits but not the commitment. They want to get rich without committing to hard work. They want to get married with no commitment to becoming a good wife or husband. But worst of all is that people want God to bless them without committing to Him. The truth is that you’re not fully living until you have something you’re willing to commit your all to.


Most Americans believe in God, in the existence of a supreme being. Studies show that up to 90% of Americans believe in the existence of God. Studies also show that 76% of Americans identify as Christians. But in most Christian organizations, people are just going through the motions. One day they give their lives to Jesus, they get baptized, and go on to become a member of the church. Then one day they walk out the door, and you ask yourself, what happened? Well many things happened, but the bottom line is that they were not committed.


Commit your way to the Lord, trust also in Him, And He shall bring it to pass. – Psalms 37:5 NKJ


Receiving God’s blessings is not merely the result of believing in God, you must also commit your life to Him. You must learn to trust Him with everything you do. Then you can expect to receive His blessings. Above all else, God wants you to be committed to loving him because He’s committed to loving you sufficiently enough that He gave His very best for you, His son Jesus.


Making a Commitment to love God.


  • You love God by spending quality time with Him, by building a personal and intimate relationship with Him, and by committing to daily prayer and reading His word.
  • You love God by committing yourself to be a vibrant part of your local church, which is the body of Christ.
  • You love God by committing to telling others about Him, about how much He loves them.


Successful people understand the importance of a commitment, you show me someone who’s gained success and I’ll show you a committed person.