Committed to Being Great

How many good social, political and religious institutions can you list? Now, how many great, social, political and religious institutions can you list? I’m guessing that your list of good institutions is far bigger than your list of great ones. We have some good public schools but few great ones, we have some good politicians but few great ones and we have some good religious organizations but few great ones. And the reason for this is that it is much easier to settle for good institutions than it is to pay the price to build great ones. As author Jim Collin says, “Good is the enemy of great.”

Few people ever reach their fullest potential, not because it is impossible, but because in part it’s easier to settle for a good life. And mainly because greatness comes with a high price, it requires a total commitment. You may have good health but the price for great health is a lifelong commitment to eating the proper foods, exercising and proper rest. You may have a good marriage, but a great marriage requires a lifelong commitment to being patient, loving, forgiving and graceful with your spouse. You may have good children, but great children require a lifelong commitment, to lead and guide them not only in words but also by example. And most important, you may have a good relationship with God but a great relationship with God requires a life commitment to being spiritually disciplined. There are no shortcuts to greatness, there’s no greatness lottery and greatness never goes on sale. In any area of your life that you wish to achieve greatness, you’ll have to pay the full price of the commitment.

Work brings profit, but mere talk leads to poverty! – Proverbs 14:23 NLT

It’s not just talking about greatness, that will make you great. Talking about greatness is a good start. But greatness is the result of committing to a core set a values and hard work. At some point there will be no more people to blame and no more excuses to make. If you want to achieve greatness in any area at some point you’ll have to pay full price, an all in commitment.