Completely Different | A Single Event

On the surface, Christianity would seem to be just another religion attempting to explain the fundamental questions about life. How did we come into existence? Is there life after death? Does God really exist? With so many religions claiming to be the one, how do you know if your religion is the right religion? What if anything sets Christianity apart?

There is a complete difference between Christianity and all other religions. Most religions believe that in order to be right with God, you have to do certain things and become a good person. Christians believe that you can be a bad person and still enter into heaven. But there’s an even greater difference, most religions are founded on the teachings and philosophies of their founders, but not Christianity. Christianity is founded on a single event.

Contrary to all other religions, our faith hangs on an event and not on the teachings of a man. But it’s not just any event, it’s a historical event that completely revolutionized and transformed the world, the resurrection of Jesus. Because of the overwhelming evidence that points to a world-transforming event that happened two thousand years ago, I believe that the fundamental question we all need to ask ourselves is, did it really happen? Anything is possible but is it provable? I believe that If you objectively study the mountains of evidence, the only logical conclusion is that Jesus actually resurrected.

If it is true that Jesus resurrected, then we must assume that he is who he claims to be. He claimed to be God in a body. That’s why as Christians the foundation of our faith is not Jesus’ teachings. We’ve learned to love and accept Jesus’ teachings as one hundred percent true and that’s because of a single event, the resurrection of Jesus Christ.