Completely Different | It’s not the teachings.

Most of the religions of the world are founded on the teachings and philosophies of their leaders, and the tendency is to include Christianity as one more on the list. But Christianity is not founded on the teachings of Jesus, Christianity is founded on Jesus himself and one specific event, the resurrection.

The big religions of the world began with a prophet or a teacher, some of them died of natural causes and others became martyrs. And when they died their followers went out enthusiastically and promulgated their teachings. When Jesus died his followers fled and went back to fishing.

The problem with Jesus’ teachings is that they do not adhere to the basic premise of all other religious teachings. The premise of the other religions is based on what we as humans, need to do to earn God’s favor. Jesus’ teachings are based upon what God has done for us. Another problem with Jesus’ teachings is that they’re extreme. On one occasion he said, “I am THE way, THE truth, and THE life.” In other words, he was saying, there is no other way, no other truth and no one else can give you life. On another occasion, he said, “If you’ve seen me, you’ve seen the Father” In plain words, Jesus was saying, I am God.

Jesus aligned himself so much to God that when He was crucified and died, His disciples thought that it was all over. He could not have been God, had he been God he would have never allowed himself to be killed. That’s why when he died, his disciples scattered. But three days later Jesus resurrected and the resurrection was the event that caused Jesus’ disciples to take to the streets and change the world. What’s interesting is that they did not go to the street to promulgate Jesus’ teachings. No, they went to testify about what they had seen, a man died and resurrected.

You disowned the Holy and Righteous One and asked that a murderer be released to you.  You killed the author of life, but God raised him from the dead. We are witnesses of this. – Acts 3:14-15 NIV

It wasn’t Jesus’ teachings, nor the miracles, and not even Jesus’ death that inspired the disciples. It was the fact that they had seen a dead man raise himself from death.