Creating your “Sacred Space”



Creating your “Sacred Space”

Monday, January 15, 2018


Call it good fortune, good luck, or just plain old- fashioned hard work, but receiving God’s blessing and/or success is always about being at the right place at the right time. Several years ago my wife and son were walking through a parking lot when suddenly the wind picked up and blew a hundred dollars right at them. They picked up the money and looked around but there was nobody to be found except a police officer sitting in his vehicle patrolling the area. My wife went up to the officer and asked if he had seen anyone in the area that may have dropped the money. The officer told her that he had not seen anyone around. Call it luck or a blessing, whichever the case, my wife and son were at the right place at the right time. Call it luck or long hours of work, but a successful wealth manager doesn’t just invest money, he invests in the right investments and at the right time. Whether luck or good planning, when it comes to success, there is always a right time and a right place.



But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. – Matthew 6:6 NIV


There is only one place in the entire universe, that no matter when you show up, you are always guaranteed to receive God’s blessing and that place is in His presence. Let’s call this place  “sacred space”. True God is everywhere, but I am talking about a place where you intentionally schedule, at a time of your choosing, to be alone with God. The closer you draw to God, the closer you are to the source of peace, love, health, wealth, and ALL that is good and perfect. To neglect or ignore spending time with God distances you from what you most need and of all the rewards that God has for you.


Jesus said, “But when you pray”; “when” speaks of choosing at a specific time. Then he says, “go into your room and close the door”. This speaks of a specific place where you can be alone with God and free from distractions. He goes on to conclude with an amazing promise. The promise is that when you choose a time and a place to be with Him, He will always reward you. The reward isn’t that He will always give you what you ask for; it is something even better. God will always give you what is best for you. God may not give us what we most want but he will always give us what we most need.


The good news is that when it comes to your circumstances, they don’t matter to God. When you were born doesn’t matter, what you’ve done doesn’t matter, what you are going through is irrelevant when it comes to receiving God’s rewards. All you need to do is to enter into God’s presence at the right time and place and that time and place is whenever and wherever you want.




  1. Can you remember when something bad happened to you because you were at the wrong place at the wrong time?
  2. Can you remember something good that happened to you because you were at the right place at the right time?
  3. Have you scheduled a time and a place where you can be alone with God? Are you scheduling it at a time and place free from distractions?
  4. What would be the best time of the day for you to spend time alone with God?
  5. Where would be the best place for you to spend time alone with God?




Dear God, I know you are everywhere but today I purpose to intentionally set aside a time and place that is free from distractions so that I can spend time alone with you. Today I draw close to you knowing that you will always reward me with what is best for me. Thank you for not taking into account my circumstances and for allowing this time and place to be the perfect time and place to be with you. Amen