Do the right thing

It does not matter who you are and no matter what hand life has dealt you it is possible to be fully happy. Choosing to be happy begins by acknowledging that God created you on purpose and with a purpose. The problem is that often times we do not see our lives from God’s perspective, we do not think about our lives the same way that our Heavenly Father does. The Bible tells us that if we allow God to change the way we think, meaning, if we allow God to show us our lives from His perspective, everything will change for the better.

In order for God to change the way we think, we are going to have to change the things we focus on because, what we focus on will determine the way we think. Furthermore, the way we think will determine the way we act and how we act will determine the end results. 


Focus on doing good, and not on feeling good.

God has made us what we are. God has created us in King Jesus for the good works that he prepared, ahead of time, as the road we must travel Ephesians 2:10 NTE


God has created you to be someone and to do something. You must focus on doing the good works that He has prepared for you to walk in. The problem is that your feelings move you in a different direction. If you wait for your feelings to guide you, it may never happen. You must learn to choose to do what is right when you feel like doing so and when you do not feel like it.

Focus on progress not perfection.

And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns. Philippians 1:6 NLT

You are a work in progress, there is still a ways to go, trust God to finish what He started. You might give up on yourself but your Heavenly Father will never give up on you.