Doing The Puzzle

As kid one of my favorite hobbies was doing puzzles. The first thing I did before putting the pieces together was to study the picture on the cover of the box. This gave me a clear image of what the puzzle should look like once I finished, thus making it easier to determine where each piece was supposed to go. This is what vision is, the ability to see what the end result could and should be.

In many ways our lives are like a puzzle in that the clearer the image of the end results the easier it becomes to put all the pieces of our lives in the right place. And I think we all know how difficult that can be sometimes! Especially when we’re trying to place each one of the pieces in accordance with the will of God. The good thing is that our Heavenly Father wants to reveal His will for our lives, and one of the tools that he uses to reveal His will is to give each one of us a personal vision.

A personal vision for your life is similar to what the picture on the cover of the puzzle box is. In the same way that the image helps you to determine where each piece should go, a personal vision helps you determine where each one of the pieces of your life should be go. The problem is that many people live their lives without a personal vision, placing pieces wherever convenient with no idea how their lives will look at the end, especially in the most important areas in their lives.

The good news is that God wants us through His Word to develop a personal vision for our lives, whether in health, finance, relationships; in short, in all the areas of our lives, from the most important to the smilingly most insignificant areas of our lives.

An example of what I mean by personal vision is to go beyond just saying that you want to get married and have a family. Instead begin by asking the question, what do I want my marriage to look like at the end? And, what do I want my family to look like at the end? And the more specifically you answer these questions the more defined your vision will be. It’s not enough to want to have a successful marriage and family, you have to specifically define what they are supposed to look like.

The more you define your vision the easier it will become to know God’s will for your life. Knowing that you want to marry and raise a family is too general, that will not necessarily help you understand what the will of God is for your marriage and your family. Although we all have a general idea as to where we want to finish, vision goes beyond the general all the way to the specifics.

Proverbs 29:18 KJV

Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.

God wants to give you a personal vision for your life without overlooking a single area of it, and the way to begin this is through prayer and the studying of the word of God. The Bible is to our lives what the picture on the cover of the puzzle box is to the pieces that come inside it. A clear vision of what the puzzle should look like once it’s been completed.

Allow me please to give you some suggestions that will help you develop a clear personal vision for your life:

1. Pray that God would give you a personal vision for:
Your marriage, family, finances, business, job, friends, pray that God would give you a personal vision for every area in your life

2. Write down the goal or the vision for each area.
This will help you have a high definition picture of how your future could and should be in each of these areas.

3. Determine
That everything that helps you fulfill the vision is a big “yes and amen”. And that everything that deters or distracts you from fulfilling the vision is simply not a wise choice for you.

It’s simple, a personal vision is one of the tools God uses to reveal His will for our lives.

Lord, success to me is fulfilling your vision for my life. Allow me to clearly see your preferred future for me. I am determined to see it through.