Early in the Morning


Early in the Morning

Wednesday, January 31, 2018


“O God, You are my God; Early will I seek You…”  – Psalm 63:1 NKJ


In my opinion, out of the many Psalms that King David composed, the one written during the most stressful and painful time in his life has to have been Psalm 63. David wrote Psalm 63 in the desert of Judah, a place he visited at least three times. Judging by his tone, this had to have been the most terrible time of them all. As you may well know David had many wives and children. Absalom was one of David’s sons and he had a sister named Tamar who was very attractive. David’s other son Amnon who was from another wife fell in love with his half sister. Amnon was so obsessed with his sister he made himself sick. One day Amnon did the unthinkable; he hashed out a plan to be alone with his sister to then forcibly rape her. No sooner after he accomplished his despicable deed, the Bible tells us that he immediately hated his sister with a hatred that surpassed his previous obsession with her.


When Absalom (Tamar’s brother) heard what Amnon had done, as you may well imagine he became enraged. Nonetheless, Absalom decided to bring the matter to the attention of King David. When King David heard what happened, he too was enraged yet he did not discipline Amnon. For years Absalom sought his father’s intervention in the matter but David would not even meet with him to discuss it. One day, Absalom fed up ordered his servants to kill Amnon. As soon as Amnon was dead, Absalom fled. Absalom was on the run for three years before he decided to return to Jerusalem. His intention was to overthrow his father’s kingdom and install himself as king over Israel. Absalom put together an army and went after his father to kill him. Instead of going to war with his son, King David decided to escape and abandon the palace.


It was under these horrific circumstances in the desert of Judah, that King David composed Psalm 63. In the quiet and stillness of that desert, early in the morning while it was still dark, David carved out some sacred space and wrote:


“O God, You are my God; Early will I seek You; My soul thirsts for You; My flesh longs for You In a dry and thirsty land Where there is no water.  So I have looked for You in the sanctuary, To see Your power and Your glory.” – Psalm 63:1-2 NKJ


Chances are that you and I will never suffer through circumstances as horrific as those of King David. However, we will have difficult times, health problems, financial problems, relational problems, and even spiritual issues; we will live through bitter moments. It is in these moments when we most need to find a quiet place and time and ask God to show us his power and glory. In David’s darkest day, his priority was to seek God. To just get a glimpse of his power and glory was enough to cause him to soar above unimaginable circumstances.



  1. What have been some of the darkest days in your life?
  2. How did you cope during those difficult times?
  3. Why do you think David sought God early in the morning?
  4. Why do you think David’s petition was to see God’s power and glory?
  5. Why should you find a quiet place and time to seek God?



 Dear God, all is quiet and still, before the sun comes out I come to you. Before the troubles and struggles of life begin to churn and seek to crush me, I come to you. Nothing is too big for you, you are the miracle working God, and you are the God who makes the impossible possible. This I know, but today I ask that you would show me just a glimpse of your glory and power and strengthen my inner man during this difficult time in my life. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.