Eternal Life

Eternal life is free, but only if you qualify. The incredible thing is that eternal life is meant for everyone. The problem is that some people attempt to qualify for eternal life based upon their nationality or based on their religion but none of that can qualify anyone of us. I’ll go even further, even if we become good people, repeat a prayer, and put our lives in order none of that can qualify us for eternal life. So what is it that we need to know? What is it that we need to do? And who qualifies for eternal life?

John 3:16 NIV

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

What do we need to know?
There are two things we need to know. First that God loves the world. That means that you don’t need to run you don’t have to hide. The second thing we need to know is that God gave. That God is not looking for people to punish them, He’s looking for them because He loves them and has a gift for them. What we need to know is that God loved and God Gave.

What do we need to do?
We only need to do one thing, believe. The word believe means to deposit all of our trust in Jesus. Believe that salvation is a gift paid for by God and has nothing to do with our, nationality, or our civil, religious or political standing. Believe that salvation cannot be received through our good behavior or be denied because of our bad behavior. Believe means to recognize that on our own we can never earn or merit eternal life. When we choose to believe the result is that we receive the gift of eternal life.

Who qualifies?
There is only one prerequisite for receiving the gift of eternal life. The gift is not for people who think they are good enough. The gift is for people who recognize that they are not good enough. The gift is for people who recognize that they don’t need a second or third chance to get it right. The gift is for those who recognize that they are sinners. Who qualifies? Everyone who recognizes that they are a sinner.

Eternal life is simple, God loved, God gave. We believe we receive.

Heavenly Father, thank you for loving me so much that you gave your only son Jesus. I believe that his sacrifice on the cross paid for my sins and therefore I receive my gift of eternal life. Thank you for making it so simple.