Facing The Facts




Thursday March 2, 2017


If ever there were something that people of all generations, cultures, and languages have in common, it is the desire to be happy. In the United States of America, the “pursuit of happiness” is actually engraved in our constitution. The irony is that while happiness is a worldwide common goal, the world is full of unhappy people. The reason why there are so many unhappy people all over the world is because, in order to be truly happy, we must face up to some simple facts of life.


  1. You are powerless to change your past.


Life is unfair, it is unjust, and sometimes, bad things happen to good people and there is nothing that you or I will ever be able to do that is going to change this. It is also true that at some point in your own past, perhaps you were the one who was unfair, unjust, or perhaps even did bad things to someone who did not deserve it. If you are going to choose to be happy, you will have to accept the fact that you are powerless to change your past hurts and sins.


  1. You are powerless to control other people.


If happiness depends on your ability to control other people you are never going to be happy. Husbands want to control their wives, wives their husband, children want to control their parents and parents their children. Professors want to control their students thoughts, the boss their workers, and pastors their congregations. As long as you fail to face up to the fact that you cannot control other people just like no one has been able to control you, you will never be able to choose to be happy.


  1. You are powerless to control yourself.


If you have ever done something that you knew was wrong, that is an indication that you cannot control yourself. If you have ever known what the right thing to do is but haven’t done it, that is because you are powerless to control yourself. The reality is that we live in an imperfect world full of imperfect people who are powerless to cope with some of their hurts, hang-ups, and bad habits. Unless you are willing to face up to the fact that you too are an imperfect person who is powerless to completely control yourself, you will never be able to choose to be happy.


Only God is in Control


There is no political, social, or economic answer to becoming truly happy. True happiness results when we face up to the fact that for all the power we have, we are powerless. The truth is that if you were able to solve all your problems you would have done so already. You will never be happy until you face the fact that only God is in control


Matthew 5:3 (MSG)


“You’re blessed when you’re at the end of your rope. With less of you there is more of God and his rule.”   – Jesus