Fear of Intimacy

Tuesday, February 18

I’ll begin today by describing what intimacy in the Bible looks like. Intimacy is to be completely known, the good, the bad and the ugly and to be completely accepted without any fear of rejection. In other words, intimacy requires that you would allow the person you are in a relationship with to know even your darkest thoughts and actions. That’s scary, that my wife would know even my darkest of thoughts. We are all very good at presenting an image of how we want to be perceived. The only problem is that as long as it’s an image, we can’t experience true intimacy. For there to be true intimacy we need to know that we are loved for who we are and not the image that we project.

Herein lies the problem for today’s culture; there is a lot of sex going on. I don’t have to tell you about it. You probably can’t go a day without seeing or hearing about sex. Today sex has become a substitution for a deep desire that has been programed into every human being…the desire for intimacy.

Sex alone can’t satisfy the human soul. Only intimacy can. Let me get right down to it, the only one who can completely love us for who we are, the good, the bad and the ugly, is our Heavenly Father. Think about it this way. Let’s say you decide to sit down with those who most love you, and let’s say that you would confess everything, even your innermost thoughts. How scary would that be? Would you fear being rejected? I sure would. Therefore, the only one you can have a truly intimate relationship with is your Heavenly Father. By the way, He already knows everything about you, and you know what? He still loves you and would never reject you.

Bible reading

Romans 5:8 NIV

But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

1 John 4:18 NIV

There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.

Heavenly Father, help me understand that you’re the only one who can satisfy my soul, because only you know me just as I am, the good and the bad. I want to enjoy that intimate relationship that only you can give me.