Financial Rest



Financial Rest

Friday March 9, 2018


In the United States, the most prosperous nation in the history of the world, it is astonishing that 70% of Americans do not know how to manage their finances. Maybe that is why 70% live from paycheck to paycheck, 26% are not able to pay their bills, 80% are in debt, and 63% of those who earn up to $100,000 cannot come up with $500.00 in cash in case of an emergency. When considering these statistics, it is no wonder that so many people carry such heavy stress loads. A recent article in the Indianapolis Star claims that the reason for financial stress is that many Americans are choosing to live unaffordable lifestyles. They prioritize spending their money even if it is on unnecessary things instead of growing their money by saving and investing. And when they find themselves in a financial disaster, according to the article. Instead of assuming responsibility for their choices, they choose to blame others.


Jesus said, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” – Matthew 11:28 NIV


If like so many others you are feeling the stress and the burden that finances often times inflicts upon us, then you are invited to bring your burdens to Jesus and in exchange, he will give you rest. The only problem is that if after Jesus gives you rest you go right back to the same bad financial practices, it is only a matter of time before you find yourself stressed and blaming others once again.


This is the way most Americans manage their money, they:

  • Spend
  • Pay debt
  • Save
  • Give


This is the way God’s word instructs us to manage our money:

  • Give
  • Save
  • Pay debt
  • Spend


The reason for so much financial hardship is that we do not pay attention to the way God instructs us to manage our finances. As the leader of a church, I have learned that when it comes to finances, most people want to keep Jesus at arm’s length and they only invite him into their finances when things go wrong. Even non-Christians are willing to invite Jesus into their finances when they are going through financial hardships. So, let me ask you a question, if you are willing to invite God into your finances when things are not going well, wouldn’t it be wise to invite him into your finances before things go wrong? If you do so, the promise is that at the end of this road, you will have received financial rest.



  1. Do you prioritize spending over giving and saving? Why or why not?
  2. Do you find yourself looking for someone to blame for your financial woes?
  3. When it comes to your finances, how do you manage your money? Do you spend, pay debts, save, and give? Or do you give, save, pay debts, and then spend?
  4. What changes do you need to make in the way you manage your finances?
  5. Is financial rest achieved through how much money you have or how well you manage the money you have?



 Heavenly Father, thank you for your word and thank you for your goodness. I am tired, and stressed, I have financial hardships and I take full responsibility for the choices I have made. But from this day forward, I surrender my burdens to you. Give me the strength to apply your wisdom, to order my finances according to your principles, and to honor you first and above all else. I need the peace that Jesus gives; I surrender my desires and will to you, and accept your rest. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.