First things first



Wednesday, August 15, 2018



What and who is most important to you? Is it God, family, your work, career, or is it life itself? I would wager, that I could answer this question for you. All I need to do is to see how you prioritize your time and that will tell me what is most important in your life. The answer might surprise you but it will not surprise those closest to you.


Often times, what we believe to be the most important thing or person in our life, is not reflected in the way in which we spend our time; they are incompatible. I give you as an example the father who says his family is the most important thing in his life yet he spends all of his time working or doing business. Then when he is home, he spends all of his time on the computer or on his phone conducting business. If you were to ask his children what the most important thing in their father’s life is, they would tell you it is his work. Consider also the stay at home mother who says that her family is the most important thing to her but she spends most of her time taking care of the household chores; so much so that she barely has time for her husband and children. If you ask her husband or children what is most important to her, they might tell you that keeping the house clean, cooking, and other domestic duties are what matter to her. Both the mother and father would tell you that the reason they do not have time to spend with the family is that they spend their time working hard for their family. What you do for your family is important but what you do with them is more important.


There is nothing wrong with being a good provider, or taking care of the daily responsibilities. However, these should never become our number one priority. It is sad that many claim that God is the most important priority in their lives, but the way they spend their times just does not reflect it. Perhaps this is why Jesus told this group of people so worried about what they were going to wear, where they would live, and what they would eat the following statement:


“But, seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”

Matthew 6:33 NIV



The word “first” in the text is a Greek word meaning the most important thing in terms of your agenda and in terms of importance. Seeking God should be the first and most important thing that we do every day. In life, just like in our families, it is not what we do for God or what we think about him that makes him a priority in our life. What we do with God is what makes him a priority. Indeed there are things that we need to do, places to go, and people to see. However, God has promised that when we make Him the most important priority in our lives, he will personally take care of the things we worry so much about. Therefore, let me challenge you to make God first and to make Him the most important priority when it comes to how you spend your time each day. I challenge you to take out five minutes each day, before you leave your house, and to go on your knees and present yourself before God. Ask Him to protect you and your loved ones, ask Him to help you take care of the things that concern you. If you make it to bedtime, take another five minutes and thank Him for answering your prayers since it was by His grace that you made it through the day. Trust me, you will discover that it is well worth it because God himself has promised to take care of all those things that you are so worried about.