Forgiving Yourself



Thursday March 23, 2017


It is amazing how easy it is for guilt to enter our hearts. If we overeat or overspend we feel guilty. When we hurt someone or when we neglect our loved ones we feel guilty. Every time we do something that we know is wrong, no matter what the reasons are, guilt enters our hearts. Guilt is an uncomfortable emotion that informs and reminds us of wrongdoing.


It is amazing how easy it is to remove guilt from our hearts; we must first admit our wrongdoings. Second, we must take responsibility for our faults. It is never a good idea to hide, suppress, excuse, or blame others for our faults. Third, we need to ask God to forgive us. Forgiveness cleanses us from sin. Fourth, we need to confess our sins to another person. The Bible teaches us that God cleanses us through forgiveness, but we are healed from the ill effects of sin when we confess our sin to another person. This is by far the most difficult and dangerous step. I always recommend that you take this step wisely. Choose the right person, choose someone who can be trusted and who will not judge you. Remember to never choose a person of the opposite sex. Now we will briefly look at the fifth and last step in getting rid of guilt.


Accept God’s forgiveness and forgive yourself.


We are not holier than God. If He forgives and cleanses us from our faults, who are we to not forgive ourselves? We must learn to forgive ourselves the same way that God has forgiven us.


God forgives us INSTANTLY; when we come before God and ask for His forgiveness, He will never say to you, “let me think about it” or “I will get back to you next week”.


God forgives us COMPLETELY; there is no sin too big or too bad or too shocking for God.


God forgives us FREELY, we never have to do anything to gain God’s forgiveness; there is no price to pay. It is free but not inexpensive, our sins were paid for on the cross.


Micah 7:18-19 MSG


Where is the god who can compare with you—wiping the slate clean of guilt, Turning a blind eye, a deaf ear, to the past sins of your purged and precious people? You don’t nurse your anger and don’t stay angry long, for mercy is your specialty. That’s what you love most. And compassion is on its way to us. You’ll stamp out our wrongdoing. You’ll sink our sins to the bottom of the ocean.