From Temporal To Eternal

When it comes to our money and everything that our money has allowed us to have there’s something I think we can all agree on, we can’t take it with us when we die. In other words our money is temporal, we only get to manage it for the time we are on this earth and then it’s passed on to someone else for the time that God allows him or her to manage it. The interesting thing is that Jesus teaches us that although money is temporal, we can use it in such a way that it produces gains for us when we arrive to our eternal dwelling.

Luke 16: 1-13 NIV

I tell you, use worldly wealth to gain friends for yourselves, so that when it is gone, you will be welcomed into eternal dwellings. – Jesus. (Luke 16:9)

Jesus is teaching us that God see’s everything that we own as a means to cause people to enter into heaven. That if we take advantage of the opportunity granted to us to administer wealth, it could be used in a way that produces eternal value. This happens when we ask ourselves, how can I use my money, my house, my car, my wealth etc. etc. to introduce people into heaven?

Jesus also teaches us that when we see our temporary wealth as a means to introduce people into heaven those same people will be waiting to share with us the blessings they’ve received. Imagine it this way, you arrive to heaven and someone comes up to you and says, “Thank you for using your wealth to bring me the good news about God. Had you not been generous I would have been eternally lost. Because of the way you used your temporary wealth I’m in heaven and not only that, look at how much God has blessed me. Please allow me in gratitude to share some of these great blessings with you. Please know that because of what you’ve done I will forever be your friend.”

We have the time that God has allotted us to manage our temporal wealth in such a way that we bring eternal value to it. So I will pose the question one more time: How can you use your money, your house, your car, your wealth etc. etc. to introduce people into heaven?

It simple, we can’t take our wealth with us, but we can send it ahead by investing it in others.

Heavenly Father, I want to use my money in a way that reflects my faith in you. Thank you for the opportunity to use my temporary wealth to impact eternity. I can only imagine how wonderful it will be to experience the blessing of having used it as a means to introduce people into heaven.