Getting in Shape

The human body is the most complex organism known to man. The eyes are composed of more than 3 million parts. The nose can smell more than one trillion scents and remember up to 50,000 of them. The ears work 24/7 and even though they have the smallest bone in the body, they keep the whole body balanced. The mouth is full of taste receptors but the tongue alone has up to 10,000 of them helping you to identify what is sweet, sour, salty or bitter. In addition to the eyes, nose, ears, and mouth the body has millions of sensory receptors to distinguish temperatures, pain, pleasure and even has emotional and spiritual receptors. The body is simply the most amazing organism known to man.

The Bible teaches us that God created our bodies on purpose and for a purpose. Our bodies are supposed to be temples of God’s Holy Spirit and through which we honor Him. The Apostle Paul wrote, “Don’t you realize that your body is the TEMPLE of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourself, for God bought you with a high price. So you must HONOR God with your body”.

We were created to either choose to use our bodies for our own purposes or we can choose voluntarily to use them for the purpose that God created them. Perhaps the word that best describes God’s purpose for our bodies in the Bible is sanctification. But wait; before you stop reading let me tell you what this strong religiously perceived word actually means. Sanctification simply means, to dedicate something for God’s purpose. You can sanctify your home by dedicating it to God’s purpose, you can sanctify just about anything that you dedicate to God’s purpose. To sanctify your body simply means to get into shape.

Therefore, the question we must ask ourselves every day is, how do I dedicate my body to honoring God? How do get my eyes, nose, ears, mouth and all the rest of my body in shape to dedicate them to honor God?