Giving Grace


DAY 5 | Giving Grace

“Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.

Ephesians 4:32 (NIV)


We all know the story of God’s great love for us; how He gave the life of His only son to save ours. We sing songs about it, we do deep-dive Bible studies about it, but do we really understand what it means to be given so much unmerited favor? He could’ve given up on us—we definitely gave up on Him time and time again. He could’ve separated us from His presence forever, but He didn’t. He chose to forgive us instead.

Forgiveness doesn’t mean to give a person what they deserve. In our case, through God’s endless grace, He gave us salvation from our sins freely through Jesus Christ. We couldn’t earn it, we couldn’t buy it, and we certainly didn’t deserve it. He just loved us and forgave us anyway.

God has called us to do the same for others; to forgive those who hurt us, owe us, speak wrongly of us—even to forgive those who don’t deserve our forgiveness. God wants us to give as freely as we received from Him. Give them love and grace. Forgive them because you are forgiven.



Lord, I am thankful for the gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ. Jesus paid the price for me so that I may be forgiven.

I promise to give the same forgiveness to all who come to me, including those who don’t like me, despise me, and hurt me.

I will give as freely as you gave to me. Lord, I give you thanks for this blessing.