Giving Thanks | Day 1


DAY 1 | Giving Thanks

“Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”

I Thessalonians 5:18 (NIV)

The most important thing we can do as believers is give thanks to God for our salvation through his son Jesus Christ. We were destined to go to hell because of our broken nature, but through Jesus and the sacrifice He made for us, we have all been forgiven– we get first class tickets to Heaven.

We have so much to be thankful for that God has done in our lives, whether we see His good works or not. It’s easier to complain about life and its circumstances when things aren’t going our way than it is to give thanks amidst our storms. It might feel like you’re going through what seems like endless trials and tribulations, but you aren’t alone in your struggle. We give Him thanks for His faithfulness because he holds us up when our strengths alone are not enough.

I’m thankful to the Lord for everything that He allows to cross my path, the good and the bad. I’m thankful for the decisions that he has allowed me to make and the lessons that came from those decisions. I am better because of Him.



Lord, I am thankful for the relationship that I have with You. You initiated this relationship by what your son accomplished, paying the price for my sin, redeeming and reconciling me.

Lord, I give you thanks for the family you have given me, both at home and through my Church. Thank you for the body and its leaders, and thank you for the daily blessing you pour out in my life.

Lord, words cannot express my thankfulness to you. Your mighty power is at work in me, transforming me, and renewing my mind every day. To You Lord, I am eternally thankful.